Admission Requirements

Taḥfīẓ Department

Prior to acceptance, all applicants are to fill in the application form with special focus on prior learning and existent skills.

Applicants will need to undergo an interview process wherein they will be tested on their prior learning and existent skills before admission into our institute can be granted. The interview process will be conducted either in person or via telephonic/video call.

For entry into the Taḥfīẓ Department, applicants are expected to possess a basic ability in the recitation of the Qurʾān. Applicants who are unable to recite the Qurʾān are usually redirected to sister institutes which focuses on the basics. In the event of limited vacancies, applicants who have already successfully memorized portions of the Qurʾān are given preference in accordance with the quantity and quality of prior memorization. Applicants should also be no younger than 15 years of age. Exceptions may be made in all the above should special circumstances prevail.

The recital of applicants will be tested to verify claims made in the application form. If no claim of prior memorization has been made this will be limited to the ability to recite directly from the Musḥaf (copy of the Qurʾān). If otherwise, previously-memorized portions from the Qur’ān will be selected by the examiner and tested from memory to verify the quality and quantity of prior memorization. Upon passing this test, applicants will be divided into classes equally and immediately be allowed entry into class.

Arabic and Islamic Studies Department

Prior to acceptance, all applicants are to fill in the application form with special focus on prior learning and existent skills.

Applicants will need to undergo an interview process wherein they will be tested on their prior learning and existent skills before admission into our institute can be granted. The interview process for the Arabic and Islamic Studies Department occurs annually during November of the year preceding admission and will be conducted either in person or via telephonic/video call.

For entry into the Arabic and Islamic Studies Department, the ability to read Arabic will be verified by testing the applicant’s recital from the Musḥaf. Testing will be done from sections not previously memorized and, as such, is per the selection of the examiner. Perfect tajwīd is not essential for this test as the focus is merely on the recognition of the Arabic letters and diacritical marks.

Applicants are also expected to present proof of prior qualifications such as a Grade 10 progress report or any other such evidence to validate claims made in the application form. Telephone numbers and other such contact information of schools, universities or Islamic institutions previously attended should also be provided to facilitate claim verification and allow examiners to ascertain prior history. Character references by religious leaders and others must also be accompanied by the necessary contact information.

In the event that applicants wish to enter any year other than the First Year of the Introductory Course, they will be subjected to testing on the work done in lower years. Ideally applicants should then be familiar with the subjects and curriculum of lower years for testing will be on these subjects in accordance with our own curriculum. Exceptions may be made in the event that applicants are able to prove mastery of subjects done in lower years via testing. In such an event, acceptance into the year of choice will be subject to passing the March exams of that year. Should the applicant fail yet wish to continue their studies at the institute, he will be required to go down to the level proposed by the examiners.