International Students

Due to the ongoing visa issues affecting international students wishing to pursue Islamic Studies in South Africa, we are, unfortunately, unable to assist with the visa application process at this time. We pray these issues are resolved rapidly, Āmīn.
All prospective international students who manage to obtain a valid visa will be considered for admission into Our Institute.
Visa Applications
Applications for study visas to South Africa generally require the payment of visa application fees which could amount to anything between R1000 to R3500 (subject to change). This differs from country to country but is usually cheaper and easier to obtain in the country of origin than in South Africa. Prospective applicants are therefore advised to apply in their own country and not to prematurely travel to South Africa in the hope that internal applications could be more expeditious.
Applicants who arrive at our doorstep without the proper papers designating our institute as their place of study may not be accepted as students, as per government regulations. Acceptance of such students carries a heavy penalty which the institute cannot afford and which may jeopardize our continued existence. No exceptions are therefore made in this regard and any applications for concessions are disregarded.
Visa applications may also have hidden costs – such as the requirement of medical insurance prior to the granting of visas – and applicants are to ensure proper communication with their respective embassies so as to not fall prey to unforeseen complications. The institute is however prepared to provide temporary medical insurance for foreign applicants to facilitate visa acceptance. Upon arrival on the shores of South Africa such students are however required to personally secure medical insurance at any of the local insurance companies acceptable to the respective authorities.
South African Student Visa Requirements
Foreign students who wish to study in the Republic of South Africa for longer than 3 months require:
- A passport valid for no less than 30 days after the expiry of intended visit
- Payment of the prescribed visa application fee
- A vaccination certificate, if required
- Proof of funds to cover living expenses and tuition fees in the form of bank statements, cash available, or travelers’ cheques
- Proof of medical cover renewed annually for the period of study with a medical scheme registered in terms of the Medical Schemes Act
- A cash deposit equivalent to the value of a return ticket
- In the case of African students, an undertaking from the relevant government to take full responsibility of the student and to pay all costs, should it become necessary to deport the student
- Medical report/record
- An unabridged birth certificate in the case of minors
- In the case of a minor, the particulars of the person in the Republic of South Africa who will act as the learner’s guardian and a letter from such person confirming guardianship
- Consent from both parents for your stay in South Africa, or from the parent who has sole custody, along with proof of sole custody
- Proof of qualifications
- If you are 18 years and older, a police clearance certificate from each country in which you resided for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years is required.
- An official letter of provisional enrollment by the learning institute stating the following:
- Details regarding arranged accommodation, if any.
- That the applicant has sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, maintenance and incidental costs.
- In the case of a minor, the particulars of the person in the Republic who will act as the learner’s guardian and proof of consent for the intended stay from both parents or from sole custody parent along with proof of sole custody.
- The course or academic programme for which the applicant has been accepted and that the applicant has the required qualifications to attend it, including any applicable language proficiency requirement.
- The undertaking by the learning institute to notify the department when the applicant has completed their studies.
Please note: Validity of study permit may not exceed the duration of the course or academic programme for which the applicant has been accepted. Contact us and we will send you the required documentation via email.