Maḥajjah Institute was founded by Mufti Taha Karaan and Mufti Azhar Seedat and is dedicated to research, translation, publication, and training on the phenomenon of Shīʿism. The institute conducts research and translates and publishes literature regarding Shīʿism for public consumption, benefit, and protection. It also provides expert training to graduate ʿulamāʾ on Shīʿism to further safeguard Muslim communities across South Africa. 

The Maḥajjah Institute is the culmination of a near two-decade long effort by Mufti Taha dedicated to the defence and vindication of truth.

The defence and vindication of truth entails much tireless, selfless work. This project requires a collective effort and collaboration with all who are able to assist in the continuation of this two-decade long defence and vindication of truth. 

Please visit to access their carefully cultivated collection of published books, articles, lectures, and videos on Shīʿism.

Local Donations

* International Visa and Mastercard Credit/Cheque cards accepted.

Direct EFT

The DUAI Foundation Trust
Main Account

Bank: Absa

Branch Code: 632005

Account type: Cheque

Account number: 40 8336 7306

Reference: Mahajjah-Donor’s Name/Business name

Proof of Payment: [email protected]

International Donations

Please consider setting up a monthly donation
