
Oral Sex in Islam


Ml Yusuf Karaan

23 August 2024


What is the ruling on oral sex in Islam?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Let us first understand the extent to which a man may derive pleasure from the body of his wife. Shāfi’ī jurists state unanimously that a man may derive pleasure from any part of his wife’s body, barring of course anal intercourse (something forbidden by consensus) as well as any sexual activity involving the region between her navel and knees during menses.

This statement on its own is open and unconfined, including any part of the body and any method of drawing pleasure therefrom. After the above-mentioned exclusions are taken into account (as well as a few others), the matter of oral stimulation—outside menses—seemingly remains entrenched within the now mostly unconfined statement of permissibility, “may derive pleasure from any part of his wife’s body”, as oral stimulation is one such method of deriving pleasure.

This is the argument for permissibility. It is only fair that we also present the argument for the contrary. The most common argument brought for demonstrating reprehensibility (karāhiyah), stems from the dualistic nature of the genitalia as both reproductive and urinary organs. This second function, when coupled with the mandatory nature of avoiding contact with najāsah and the high likelihood of one’s mouth coming into contact with najāsah during oral intercourse leads one to regard said act as highly reprehensible. They further substantiate this argument by positing that the mouth is the most dignified organ, used for reciting the Quran, for praying and for supplicating to Allah. This dignified organ has no place being brought into contact with an organ that is responsible for removing filth and waste from the body.

To conclude, I would advise that it is best and safest to avoid the reprehensible practice of oral intercourse.

وﷲ تعالى أعلم

And Allah knows best

Y Karaan
DUAI Fatwa Department