
Performing Wuḍūʾ after Eye Surgery


Ml Yusuf Karaan

23 August 2024


What is the Shāfi’ī ruling regarding someone who, due to eye surgery, water cannot touch their eyes? How will wuḍūʾ be made?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Whether for wuḍūʾ or ghusl, washing the inside of the eye is not at all required. What is required is washing the eyelids, as those form part of the skin. This is something that can be achieved without placing any pressure on the eyes, in that water inevitably flows onto the eyelids when washing the forehead and brows. This is sufficient for cleansing in the Shāfiʿī school.

وﷲ تعالى أعلم

And Allah knows best

Y Karaan
DUAI Fatwa Department