Home Financing in Current Times
Is it permissible to invoke the principle of need to allow the use Ribā-bearing (interest-bearing) loans as financing?
Is it permissible to invoke the principle of need to allow the use Ribā-bearing (interest-bearing) loans as financing?
As a Shāfiʿī, is it permissible to give a Fiṭrah parcel consisting of 2 kg rice and other “staples” like peanut butter, flour, oil, noodles, etc?
For how long after nikāḥ, if consummation doesn’t take place, does the nikāḥ still stand? Is there any time limit? Especially if the couple is comfortable and have an understanding?
I have a question regarding how to dispose of parts of the Quran or any islamic scripture in a manner which is not degrading? I am asking in light of the Quran burning in Sweden. So, a thought came to my mind, if me or anyone has or finds part of a Quran or if the Quran is not in a state in which it can be used, as a muslim you obviously dont want to throw it in the bin with dirt and rubbish. How do you then, in a beautiful manner, discard it.
Is it permissible to follow the minority opinion within the Shāfiʿī madhhab of reciting Qunūt in Witr daily and not to recite it in Fajr?
Does the use of an asthma pump/inhaler break your fast?
Does your Wuḍūʾ break when touching a female?
Can one choose when and when not to read it in Fajr ṣalāh? Also, does the same ruling apply to both muqtadi (follower) and Imam (leader)?
If a Shāfiʿī muqtadi (follower) reads Fajr ṣalāh behind a Ḥanafī imam, what would be best for the Shāfiʿī to do with regards to Dua e Qunūt? Can he shorten the qunūt? If he does shorten the qunūt, does he make sujūd al-sahw (the prostration of forgetfulness)? If he reads the entire qunūt and joins the imam in sajdah, does he still make sajdah?
Is it permissible to intend a Qurbāni/Udhiyah as Aqīqah with the same animal?
May one sacrifice (qurbān) an animal that has been castrated?
Is it permissible to give certain parts of the Qurbani/Udhiyah meat to non-Muslims, since there are parts which Muslims are usually not accustomed to eating?
May one perform a sacrifice (qurbāni) on behalf of the deceased without their instruction?
Is it permissible for women to shorten/cut their hair?
Is the Brazilian hair treatment permissible in Islam?
What is the Shāfiʿī ruling on using synthetic alcohol in food products like ice cream, biscuits, etc?
Is it permissible for a lady to pluck her eyebrows?
Is it permitted that the bride attend the marriage ceremony which is traditionally performed in the mosque and attended by men only?
Is it permitted Islamically to perform cosmetic surgery to correct a birth defect? If not, will the surgeon be equally culpable in the eyes of Shari`ah? What if the patient was non-Muslim? Would you also provide some titles of works in English to which I could refer?
I’ve had people recently asking me the ruling for shaving the beard in accordance to my understanding all four schools of thoughts had a consensus that shaving is haram; however, I have read recently that the relied-upon position for the Shāfiʿī madhhab is that it is makrooh (not sinful) to shave the beard. Is this correct?