Beginning and End of the Takbīr for Eid al-Adḥā
When does the Takbīr officially begin and end for Eid al-Adḥā?
When does the Takbīr officially begin and end for Eid al-Adḥā?
The Arabic words siyâm and sawm literally mean ‘abstention’ and as such any avoidance even of speech may be called sawm. An example of this comes in sûrah Maryam, verse 26: “I have taken an oath to perform sawm… and as such I will not speak to any human today.” Legally however it means: “for a specific person [the mukallaf who intends it] to abstain from specific matters [the three nullifiers] for a specific period [from true dawn until sundown].”
Muslims in the Western Cape are divided into two parties regarding the celebration of the two Eids. Some celebrate according to local sighting while others follow Saudi Arabian sighting. While this issue has been examined from various angles none have resolved the differences. What is the way forward for concerned Muslims?
Mufti Taha Karaan responds to an article titled “Follow Islamic finance path in reforming Islamic law”. Both the article and Moulana’s response is included.
The call for Sunni-Shi‘i unity, and its concomitant call towards regarding the Shi‘i Ja‘fari madhhab as a fifth madhhab alongside the four Sunni madhahib, will come as no secret to Sunnis acquainted with Shi‘ism.
In a world that is becoming increasingly hostile towards Islam and Muslims, the need for solidarity amongst Muslims has become acutely pronounced. It would be logical to expect from advocates of such solidarity that they do not actively engage in or support activities that might prove disastrous to Muslim unity, and that they would by no means allow such activities to exist. What, then, are the implications of unabated Shi‘i missionary activity in Sunni societies, with the full support—by deed or by acquiescence—of the Iranian government?
Protagonists of Sunnī-Shīʿī unity claim that the differences between Shīʿah and Sunnī are no different than the differences between the four Sunnī schools of jurisprudence and thus should be treated with the same tolerance and acceptance as Ḥanafī-Shāfi‘ī differences. In this article, the fundamental differences between Shīʿah and Sunnī are examined, and the obtuseness of such claims made apparent.
Does the use of an asthma pump/inhaler break your fast?
Is it permissible to intend a Qurbāni/Udhiyah as Aqīqah with the same animal?
May one sacrifice (qurbān) an animal that has been castrated?
How Ṣadaqat al-Fiṭr (commonly referred to as Fitrah) is determined in the Shāfiʿī and Ḥanafī madhhabs and the differences.
Is it permissible to accept payment for leading Tarāwih, even if it’s considered a “gift”?
Is it permissible to recite Quran while lying down?
Is it permissible to use Quran apps without wuḍūʾ?
What is the Shāfi’ī ruling regarding someone who, due to eye surgery, water cannot touch their eyes. How will wuḍūʾ be made?
What is the ruling regarding the drinking of non-alcoholic and alcohol-free beverages?
As Shāfiʿīs, is it better for us to make our own (much smaller) jamāʿah or pray alone as opposed to praying behind someone that adheres to a school that does not conform to ours with respect to the essentials (arkān or shurūṭ) of ṣalāh (e.g., a Ḥanafī)?
What is the ruling on oral sex in Islam?
Is wuḍūʾ performed while wearing permeable nail polish valid? Can you kindly provide clarity on this issue?
A list of Arabic, English and Urdu book recommendations for those interested in studying the Shāfiʿī Madhhab.
Is there a specific timeframe during which Sūrat al-Kahf must be read on Friday?
Is it permissible to use Muslim marriage apps such as Salams,, and
What type of sock may one wipe on during wuḍūʾ? Does it have to be those particular wuḍūʾ socks, or will any cotton sock suffice?
Can a person make Wuḍūʾ simply by making niyyah and jumping into a pool, considering that Tarteeb is a fardh of Wuḍūʾ in the Shāfiʿī madhhab?
Is it considered a sin for a man to look at a woman (without desire) and vice versa?
Regarding the three white days of fasting, why is it sunnah and why is it referred to as the three white days?
How does one deal or interact with people from the LGBTQ community in an Islamic way?
What is the Ḥukm (ruling) on being a lawyer in the Shāfiʿī madh-hab?
As a Ḥanafī, if you follow the Shāfiʿī ruling on Ḥurmah, are you required to follow the Shāfiʿī madh-hab in all its rulings?
What should one say when complimenting others or when they see something within themselves that they like?